State Major Project: Therapy Program for Children
State Major Project: Therapy Program for Children
Since 1954, the Washington Elks Therapy Program for Children, Inc. has provided home-based occupational or physical therapy to children from birth to age 21 with developmental delays or physical disabilities. Services are provided at no cost to the family served

“Our Kids”
Any child in Washington State with an Occupational or Physical Therapy prescription for treatment and whose family lives within reach of our therapy team is eligible to be helped by the Washington Elks Therapy Program for Children. However, only those most critically in need can be accepted into the therapeutic program. While the children we serve range in age from birth to 21, preference is given to infants and young children who are medically fragile or who would otherwise go without services due to their family’s lack of resources, and to children who will experience deterioration in their status without therapy.
Eligibility for services does not require affiliation, membership, or association with the Elks, any of its members, or lodges.
From a single therapist covering Washington State over 65 years ago, the Washington Elks Therapy Program for Children has evolved into an integral, vital, and much-appreciated part of the statewide healthcare community. It provides home-based occupational or physical therapy to eligible children with developmental delays or physical disabilities. Services are provided at no cost to the family served.
Today, Supervisory Therapist Becky Gibson supervises up to fifteen Occupational and Physical Therapists. Becky is an Occupational Therapist and has been with the Elks Therapy Program for fourteen years. She is at the heart of our program and has an incredible heart regarding the welfare of “Our Kids.” In addition to her supervisory duties, she sees seven or eight clients. Her rapport with the kids, the parents and the staff is incredible.
The present caseload for the Washington Elk therapist averages 25 children per unit. Each unit consists of a licensed therapist, transportation, and equipment. These therapy units are located across the state of Washington.
Administrative costs for the Program remain very low, thus 86% of each contribution goes directly to its purpose—therapy for children. By providing critical one-on-one pediatric therapy for children most in need, the Washington Elks continue their long tradition of service to our community.
Parent/Guardian participation during therapy is critical to each child’s success. We believe that the parent/guardian is the expert on the child and that our role is to teach families how to carry through therapeutic activities into daily life, with an emphasis on home programs and parent participation. One hour per week of therapy is only the beginning of a 24 hour, 7 day a week therapeutic process. We know that each family is unique and that the best therapy program comes from caring relationships and valuing each child’s special needs and abilities. This is best accomplished when the whole family takes an active role in treatment planning.
The Program’s existence and success depends on the contributions from Tall Elks, Tall Ladies, Coin Boxes, Memorials, Honor Gifts, and Bequests. Only with the support of Washington Elks and other Friends of the Program can they continue to make a difference in the lives of these young people.
- Thurston, Lewis, Grays Harbor & Pacific Counties
- Supervisor, Thurston. Pierce (Roy & McKenna only)
- Adams, Benton, Franklin, Columbia, Walla Walla, Whitman, Garfield & Asotin Counties
- Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, Clark, Skamania & Klickitat Counties
- Okanogan, Chelan, Douglas & Grant Counties
- Mason, Kitsap, Pierce Counties (West side of Narrows Bridge)
- West King County (S. to I-405 & 188th W. of I-5)
- Pierce (East of Narrows Bridge), South King (S. of SE 240th to Maple Valley, then S. of Hwy 18 and I-90)
- Snohomish County (Except Camano Island and Stanwood)
- Yakima and Kittitas Counties
- East King County (S. of Hwy 518 to SE 240th, East of Lake Washington, North of Hwy 18 and I-90)
- Ferry, Pend Oreille, Stevens, Spokane and Lincoln Counties
- Skagit, Island, Whatcom, Snohomish Counties (Stanwood and Camano Island only)
- Clallam and Jefferson Counties